The writer worked for the British council in the Emirates around the time of the First Gulf war. It is definitely still a diary so very fragmentary. Not a memoir.
The Arabic names have many similarities. Which Sakr? Which Mohammed? What is difficult.
Still interesting to read. But very British upper lip and missing to grab you. I mean there was a Gulf War going on with scud missiles.
Too my surprise I saw someone mentioned I actually met myself once. The gentleman was attending a conference where I was a student helping. During the break I suggested a walk on the beach. He joined and several others. The ambassador of his country of nationality was completely ignored. Young as I was I said to that guy "Come you are welcome too." So I had a long walk on the beach with an ambassador and a former minister turned refugee of the same country. I mean only when a young girl or when you are Madeleine Albright you get away with that. In the evening the minister-refugee joined me and my friends for a meal in Leiden. I remember when I found him a cab the driver said: "Are you sure that black chap can pay?" In those days we had no email, Linkedin or Facebook so afterwards you just would loose touch. Stumbling on his name in this book I googled him. His country is now independent and he is the Ambassador to the United Nations for it. All is well that ends well.
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The rest of what I enjoyed reading recently you can find on my bookblog. Reading for me is a way of escapism so do not expect too intelligent literature:
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