06 april 2022

Ukraine: information by the Dutch immigration service


On this page you can read the latest information about the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for your stay and applications. This page will be updated as new information becomes available. 

Information for refugees from Ukraine 

Information for Russians

Travelling to and from Russia

Contacting the IND

Our website contains all the latest information known to us. We will update our website immediately as soon as there is more news. Our employees at the IND desks and on our phone lines do not have more information than you can read here. Would you rather speak to someone in person? Then call the IND and do not go to an IND desk. Please call 088 043 0430 (standard charges apply) and press 9. From abroad please call +31 88 043 0430.


 Source: https://ind.nl/en/ukraine/Pages/Ukraine.aspxhttps://ind.nl/en/ukraine/Pages/Ukraine.aspx

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