OPROEP: artikelen over mensenrechten
2. Call for Submissions: Cambridge International Law Journal. The Editorial Board of the Cambridge International Law Journal invites submissions for its tenth anniversary volume (issues to be published in June and December 2021). The Board welcomes long articles, short articles and case notes that engage with current themes in international law. To celebrate the journal’s tenth anniversary, Issue 1 will include a special section that reflects on seminal changes and developments in international law over the last decade. The Board is particularly interested in contributions on this theme, which will be published as part of the special section. Other contributions will be published as part of the general section of Issue 1. Submissions are to be made by 11:59 pm (GMT) on 25 October 2020. For full submission instructions for authors, please see here. Submissions can be made for Volume 10 here. Further information can be obtained from the Editors-in-Chief at editors@cilj.co.uk.
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Turkish history disguised as a novel: The Mapmaker's Daughter by Katherine Nouri Hughes (Iraqi American author)