02 juli 2021

VACATURE: Postdoc position in a HERA project on everyday experiences of refugee youth in Amsterdam (0.8 FTE, 1 year)


Published Deadline Location
today 14 Jul Utrecht
Do you have a background in urban studies, geography, anthropology, sociology, youth studies, gender studies or criminology?

Job description

Refugee youth often find themselves in precarious positions (insecure housing, lack of social networks, employment restrictions), coupled with financial restrictions, which means that many occupy public spaces of cities/towns where they seek refuge. Their presence in public spaces has however been strongly problematized in Europe. This research project will debate how refugee youth can contribute their own histories, voices and agencies to the development of convivial public spaces and to what extent this can enhance their participation in society. Arts and Cultural Initiatives will be used as an entry point to researching the personal geographies of young refugees and asylum seekers in four European Cities (Newcastle, Leipzig, Brussels and Amsterdam) mapping their migration histories, exploring their post arrival experiences and asking how their placemaking contribute to the transformation of public space.

The international project team is led by Prof. Peter Hopkins (Newcastle University). The Dutch project team is supervised by Dr. Ilse van Liempt who is part of the Urban Geography Department within the Social Urban Transitions (SUT) research programme in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University. The German team is led by Dr. Kathrin Horschelmann and the Belgian team by Dr. Hassan Bousetta.

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who can help us in the final phase of the project. Concretely we are looking for someone who can:
  • finalize participatory and ethnographic fieldwork in Molenwijk (Amsterdam Noord) with young refugees around home-making, both before, during and after the process of migration/arrival (10 interviews with newcomers and photo elicitation that picture their arrival and important infrastructures and spaces during their arrival);
  • help develop a methodological toolkit as output of the HERA project;
  • organize the final conference of the European project in Amsterdam in liaison with project collaborators (both academic as well as community art based institutions).This entails an academic conference as well as an art exhibition at Framer Framed in Amsterdam;
  • take care of regularly updating the HERA website;
  • disseminate findings from the research by producing publications in scientific journals and delivering presentations at (inter)national conferences and where applicable at nonacademic ‘user’ workshops.


 Lees hier verder: https://www.academictransfer.com/nl/302357/postdoc-position-in-a-hera-project-on-everyday-experiences-of-refugee-youth-in-amsterdam-08-fte-1-year/


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