12 augustus 2024

Brits gerechtshof stelt vragen over Somalische en Eritrese lp's nodig voor uitzetting

Tribunal orders Home Office to disclose information on emergency travel documents for Somalia and Eritrea

The Home Office has been ordered to disclose data on the numbers of emergency travel documents issued for Eritrea and Somalia, and how long it took for those documents to be issued, after refusing to provide the information in response to a request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The case is Bail for Immigration Detainees v Information Commissioner [2024] UKFTT 714 (GRC).


On 23 August 2022 and 21 September 2022 Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) submitted two freedom of information requests to the Home Office. They sought information the following for both Somalia and Eritrea for the years 2019 onwards:

  1. How many emergency travel document requests were submitted?
  2. How many emergency travel document requests were granted?
  3. How many foreign national offenders were granted emergency travel documents?
  4. How many of those foreign national offenders were subsequently removed?
  5. How long on average did it take for the documents to be issued?
  6. How many emergency travel documents were issued for people deemed not to be cooperating with the process?

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