11 november 2020

Transciption of lecture on displacement by Leah Zamore, Senior Policy Analyst and director of the Humanitarian Crises program at NYU's Center on International Cooperation.

Lecture ten, Displacement
, with Leah Zamore, Senior Policy Analyst and director of the Humanitarian Crises program at NYU's Center on International Cooperation.

Notes while listening (in my own words)

 "Unlike human rights treaties the Refugee Treaty targets not the host country alone but the whole international community as a whole"

  "The UNHCR was a group of lawyers who had to check if countries were abiding to the legal framework of the Treaty but the main interaction of the UN is now humanitarian (food, shelter etc)

 "Definitions as a refugee by the time was focussed on Europeans. The term of who was a refugee was never meant to be global refugee regime. Eurocentric and timelimited."

 "Latin American and African regional refugee treaties are broader"

  "Extra protection on top of human right treaties for people who are awarded refugee status. You have to treat them like your own nationals."

  "Refoulement is protected against but no right to enter. See now problems in The Mediterrenean."

  "No right of resettlement in the Refugee Treaty"

  "Not seen that many border closures or even stopping their asylumprocedure due to Corona. It might shift the whole asylumsystem".

 "There is no UN agency for IDP's. But there is what is called the cluster system amongst other UN agencies. No binding legal system. Not the formal cloud nor the long history of the Refugee Treaty. It has to do with the sovereignty of the countries in question. " 

"Climate displacement. Legal framework has to expand. Mostly it is now also a conflic area so can fall under protection from war".

"The Cathagena Declaration or the OAU in Africa have a broader desription for refugees. Those are ahead in case of environmenatal problem".

  "No burden sharing in the EU declaration. More how to keep them out"

  "Alternative pathways: using labour market schemes. Get a visa. Or have an education somewhere."

"Global compact on refugees. Well COVID interupted that. Compact affirms the rights that were already agreed on. See refugees not as a problem. BUt politics has not changed. Now with Corona financial problems skyrocketed".

"New development is that Refugees are organising themselves now and empowering decision makers."

"Social group: how it did get in the Convention. But because it is an amorphous category creative lawyering might bring groups in it. Like victims of gang violence, children etc. This has seen the biggest expansion."

"Refugees rather live in a city without aid and not in a camp. Organisation try to keep up".


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