Drawing the contours of the right to health of irregular migrants: Between the enabling and constraining forces of state sovereignty, vulnerability, public health and human rights law
Dr Stefano Angeleri is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie scholar at Queen's University Belfast and Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá. His current research aims to draw the contours of a right to primary health care for irregular migrants, according to human rights law and public health standards, and in the light of the practice of the state and non-state actors that offer a response to the health needs of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia. He holds a PhD in Law from the Irish Centre for Human Rights (NUI Galway, 2019) and is the national coordinator of the IE/UK section of the Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights. His research focuses on human rights law, health and social rights, migration and international law. His most recent publication (co-authored with Prof Thérèse Murphy) is “Parsing human rights, promoting health equity: reflections on Colombia’s response to Venezuelan migration”, Medical Law Review, 2023.
This seminar is part of the project The Borders Within. The Multifaceted Legal Landscape of Migrant Integration in Europe, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish Academy of Science. The project is led by Associate Professor Vladislava Stoyanova.
Kindly send an email to serde.atalay@jur.lu.se and vladislava.stoyanova@jur.lu.se in case of any questions. (LAST TIME I ASKED TO BE ABLE TO ATTEND ONLINE)
In our globalised world, where inequality is deepening and migration movements are increasing, states continue to maintain strong regulatory control over immigration, health and social policies. Arguments based on state sovereignty, costs and belonging can be employed to differentiate irregular migrants from other groups and reduce their right to physical and mental health to the provision of emergency medical care, even in countries where resources are available. During this guest lecture we will discuss human rights norms and social medicine models that affect the scope and the normative force of the international and European right to health care and other social determinants of health for migrants in irregular situations, as they emerge in Dr Angeleri’s recently published book Irregular Migrants and the Right to Health (CUP 2022).
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