03 april 2023

Schengen visa: Council agrees negotiating mandate on the digitalisation of the visa procedure


The EU member states’ ambassadors today agreed the Council’s negotiating mandate for a proposal to digitalise the visa procedure. The proposal introduces the possibility to apply for a visa online and replaces the current visa sticker with a digital visa. It aims to make the visa application procedure more efficient and to improve the security of the Schengen area.

Maria Malmer Stenergard, Swedish Minister for Migration

A digital Schengen visa will make it easier for legitimate travellers to apply and will at the same time help make the Schengen area safer. Online applications will reduce the number of trips to the consulate for travellers and make the process smoother for national administrations. At the same time, the digital visa will put an end to the risk of falsification and theft of the visa sticker.


More:  https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/03/29/schengen-visa-council-agrees-negotiating-mandate-on-the-digitalisation-of-the-visa-procedure/?mc_cid=5c79ccf4a4&mc_eid=b72b4a153a



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